Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Research - TCC Conference 2018
TITLE: Designing Courses with Contemplative Pedagogy Online
DATE: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 6:30PM PDT
What can we learn from the pedagogies of traditional spiritual teachers to inform contemplative course design?
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Webinar Recording: How to Transform Cultural Discomfort Zones into Experiential Learning Activities
The Society for Contemplative Mind in Society
Contemplative Pedagogy Network
The Garrison Institute
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Van Dam, N.T., van Vugt, M.K., Vago, D.R., Schmalzl, L., Saron, C.D., Olendzki, A., Meissner, T., Lazar, S.W., Kerr, C.E., Gorchov, J. and Fox, K.C., (2018). Mind the hype: A critical evaluation and prescriptive agenda for research on mindfulness and meditation. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(1), 36-61.
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Zajonc, A. (2013). Contemplative pedagogy: A quiet revolution in higher education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2013(134), 83-94.
Contemplative Methods Word Cloud [Slide 16]
Created by Kai Dailey
Contemplative Outcomes Word Cloud [Slide 17]
​Created by Kai Dailey
Contemplative Instructor Presence Word Cloud [Slide 18]
​Created by Kai Dailey
The Labyrinth of Contemplative Practice [Slide 19]
University of Southern Indiana, Outreach and Engagement, Historic New Harmony.
Retrieved from
2004 Tree of Contemplative Practices [Slide 21]
Duerr, M. (2004). A powerful silence: The role of meditation and other contemplative practices in american life and work. Northampton, MA: The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society Retrieved from
Tree of Contemplative Practices [Slides 21]
Duerr, M., & Bergman, C. (n.d.) The tree of contemplative practices. [Illustration] Retrieved from
Candle Flame [Slide 28]
Retrieved from:
Nun Reading in Class [Slides 29 & 34, 35]
Tibetan Nun Project
Meditating Monk [Slide 30]
COO by Pixbay
Monks in Courtyard Debates [Slide 31]
COO by Pixbay
Monks in Red Robes [Slide 32]
College Students in Class [Slide 33-35]
Steve Hicks School of Social Work, University of Texas Austin
Climber [Slide 36]
Rinckenberger (
Retrieved from
Stranger on the Train [Slide 37]
Retrieved from
Discussion Screen Shot [Slide 38]
Retrieved from
Laptop at the Lake [Slide 39]
Retrieved from
Woman on a Path [Slide 41]
Retrieved from
Dailey, K. L. (2018, April). Designing courses with contemplative pedagogy online. General session at the TCC 2018 Online Conference.