Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Research - Contemplative Pedagogies
Mapping The Tree of Contemplative Practices to Adult Learning Theory
This current project explores contemplative practice in education through a pedagogical analysis of traditional sacred instructional methods.
Since the Tree of Contemplative Practices was first published in 2004, it has been referenced or appeared in more than 100 publications. In some cases authors of research studies referenced or included the Tree in their methods section as an authoritative source from which practices were identified and selected. The Tree was originally intended to serve an illustrative purpose but has become an important resource for method selection and needs to be advanced as an instructional design tool. I am creating a design aid based on the Tree to assist educators in the selection of contemplative practices. My project takes an interdisciplinary approach (religious studies, learning science, cognitive/neuroscience, anthropology) and maps methods and contexts to learning theory and a range of instructional design parameters. The main question of my work: How might contemplative methods and instructional design approaches be combined into effective and measurable instructional strategies?
Watch the Beta-1 Webinar: Designing Courses with Contemplative Pedagogy
Dailey, K. L. (November, 2017). Designing with Contemplative Pedagogies Online: A Professional Development Webinar. Poster session presented at Education Week 2017, California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, CA.

Source: The Tree of Contemplative Practices (Duerr & Bergman, n.d.) Also see: (Duerr, 2004, p. 40) Artwork by Carrie Bergman
Dailey, K. L. (2018, January 24). Spiritual
pedagogies in instructional design. Talk presented at Contemplative Pedagogy Initiative Meeting in University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
Dailey, K. L. (2018, January 24). Spiritual
pedagogies in instructional design. Talk presented at Contemplative Pedagogy Initiative Meeting in University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
Dailey, K. L. (2018). Designing Courses with Contemplative Pedagogy: A Professional Development Webinar. [Unpublished Master's Project] California State University Fullerton, Fullerton CA.
Contemplative Resources for the Higher Education Classroom
Contemplative Pedagogy Literature Database 1900 - August 2017
Contemplative Pedagogy Citation Waterfall. Created by Dailey, K. L. (2017). Contemplative Pedagogy Citation Analysis (Web).xlsx
Licensed under CC BY as a free cultural work. Click image to download.
This data file was compiled using Google Scholar and other library research databases using the search term "contemplative pedagogy" only. The original purpose of this project sought to identify the first occurrences of the term in the literature and also to get a sense of in what kinds of contexts and publications the term was being used.
Google Scholar's search results are notably imperfect, so each item was investigated (links followed, duplicates eliminated, publication type, etc. confirmed). This list does contain a handful of citations for nonpublished work such as flyers for workshops prior to 2010.
Help yourself to this data file. Mix and reuse as you wish.